Interested in starting a freelance copywriting career? Learn about the industry basics and tips on where to find freelance copywriter gigs.
Freelance copywriters don’t only have flexible schedules.
They’re paid handsomely, too.
If you’re down for a career that offers flexibility, great pay, and solid boost in your portfolio, then freelance copywriting is a worthy career path to consider.
Sure, there’s a great deal of competition involved, but with tips on where to find your first gigs, plus a heads up on potential challenges, you’ll be a step ahead of most.
That’s what this article is all about.
Freelance copywriting is about crafting persuasive copy for companies and brands on a project basis.
As a freelance copywriter, you’ll have more control over what projects to work on and when you want to do it.
You’ll also have more room to take on smaller gigs, especially if you’re only familiar with the basics of copywriting and require more professional exposure.
Common freelance copywriting projects include:
Copywriter salaries vary greatly; your experience and expertise often dictate them.
Indeed records a salary range between $17.70 to $72.04 an hour for freelance copywriters.
ZipRecruiter, on the other hand, reports $45 an hour as the median national average.
Crucial factors often affecting copywriting rates include your expertise in search engine optimization, market research, digital marketing, and content writing.
While you don’t need a specific degree to become a freelance copywriter, taking short courses from industry experts at a cost helps you find a niche as a starting point.
Here are a few associated costs to consider when starting this side hustle:
You can land a copywriting job by either applying directly to entities that need copywriters or visiting online sites for writers.
You don’t always need to go online to find your first clients.
If you live in a big city, there’s a great chance you’ll find entities looking for freelance copywriters. Here are a few suggestions you can try:
Effective ads on various marketing avenues combine visuals and persuasive writing.
Startup ad agencies looking for fresh talent from different backgrounds can be an excellent pick for starting a writing gig.
Localized ventures may have a smaller target audience but are highly niche-specific.
Look around your area and see if any business is seeking writing services.
Your familiarity with the city can be an advantage in crafting copies that resonate with locals and bring in quality leads.
Both government and non-government organizations can benefit from added visibility, and ad copy on social media platforms helps them achieve this.
Check their official websites for opportunities.
Here are platforms to find prospective clients across different industries:
Problogger is a trusted platform for blog owners and freelancers offering writing services.
Its job board consists of gigs that cover all types of content, from short to long-form range up to collective projects that last months.
Contena is a paid platform that gives you access to a copywriting gigs list and training material for improving your writing.
Clients come from different industries, which is an excellent opportunity to test your skills across niches.
Peak Freelance is a subscription-based platform that gives you access to high-quality jobs and a Slack group where you can share experiences and ask questions to other writers.
Here are some reasons why you should consider building your personal copywriting business:
Despite the enticing freelance career, some issues can impact your level of commitment to the job:
Becoming a copywriter takes practice, and the easiest way to build up your skills is by writing copy, even for social media posts.
Taking short courses also helps you strengthen the basics and gives you tips from industry experts.
You don’t need a degree to become a successful freelance copywriter, but many potential clients consider this an asset, primarily if your degree is related to their industry.
Landing a job is more on what your client requires, and sometimes, it’s a degree.